One of the many things I learned after having Isaac was that I should have made him pick up his own toys way earlier than I did. It was just so much faster if I did it myself, but it taught him a bad lesson. The girls have always been much better about picking up and with their help Isaac has gotten better too. Always looking for new ways to encourage picking up, Jake played a clean up game with the kids while I was sick recently. The great thing was that they loved it and wanted to pick up all the time, the downside was that they made messes specifically so they could later play the pick up game.
Indiana is by far the most concerned with cleaning though. Since she could walk she has had to pick up her room before she could come out to play after her naps. She picks up all her toys and blankets and puts them back on her bed. The other day she was downstairs gathering all the plastic cups and bowls and throwing them into the sink for me. One thing though that she has started now that she can reach the drawers in the kitchen, is that she puts the silverware back in the drawer. The problem is she takes them off the table after they've been used and puts them away. I now have to remember to check the drawer at night when I clean up the kitchen and pull all the dirty silverware out of the drawer.
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