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Thursday, December 22, 2011

Cleaning and favorite colors

So every couple of months the house just gets to the point that I can't stand it anymore and I just have to rearrange the mess. Last night as I was laying in bed I got the itch and wanted to move some of the toy genres into the kids rooms and set up specific areas for everything. So this morning we got the handy laundry basket out and went to the basement and ground floor and gathered up all the trains and cars and their paraphanalia to put in Isaac's room and all the baby dolls and Little People toys to go in Indiana and Abigail's room. Then I went through each room with varying amounts of help from the children and we found homes for each of the groups of toys so that now they can put them away instead of the old throw everything in the toy box method we had been employing. While all of this was going on Isaac got in his head that we were "making a new house" and he decided we need to paint too. So he's following me around saying, "We can paint my room blue next because that's my favorite color, then we'll move to the basement and paint those walls. This will be quite a bit of work Mommy." And Abigail chimes in, "And paint my room yellow because that's my favorite color." I finally had to tell them that we are NOT painting any rooms today and that we probably will not be painting for a while.

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