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Thursday, June 2, 2011

Isaac's Vacation Sayings

When we're on vacation I let the kids go to sleep with the curtain open so they can look out the window and have a little light. When Jake and I go to bed I go in and close the curtains so that the light won't wake them up in the morning. Tonight when Jake was putting Isaac to bed tonight Isaac wanted the curtain open then he asked, "Daddy, why do the curtains close during the night?" So Jake explained that Mommy closes the curtains so the sun won't wake them up. It's cute that he was thinking about it though.

There are lots of helicopters here in FL and Jake asked Isaac if he'd like to ride in a helicopter someday. Isaac looked at him and said, "Daddy, will there be safe windows so we wouldn't fall out of the helicopter?" This from the kid who wouldn't walk to our hotel room because it was on the second floor and the railing was open. I like that he's safety conscious and I'm glad we decided to forgo the theme parks since they would probably scare him too.

We were at the kiddie pool and a boy noticed Isaac's black toenail and asked him what happened. Isaac tells him, "I dropped a piano on my toe and it turned black." The kid then asks, "Did it catch on fire?" and Isaac gave him a "what are you crazy look I just told you the story" look, but then says, "No, like I said, I dropped a piano on it and it turned black."

While riding in the van with Jake, Isaac had a pretend conversation with me. Apparently he ended the converstation with, "A good day to you Mommy." Not sure where he picked that up, but okay.

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