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Monday, April 11, 2011

The Haircut, not Uno, and other weekend conversations

So haircuts for Isaac are sometimes traumatic and other times not a big deal. It's all in the presentation and motivation. This time since it was warm outside we told Isaac he could get his hair cut outside on the deck and maybe birds would use his hair for their nest. He was very excited since nests are one of his favorite things. Jake took him out and cut his hair. The next morning Isaac woke up and rushed downstairs to look outside to see if the birds had built a nest out of his hair. He saw the hair still on the ground and said, "Nope, not yet. Maybe we could go out and find a bird and it would follow us back and see the hair and make it into a nest."

Playing with building toys.
Isaac: This is going to be the best castle ever. The castle was beautiful, and he was so happy. He found a very fast horse and he hopped on and learned to ride it. He drove...he rode, the horse.

Isaac walking around taking inventory of who is in the house.
Isaac: All three girls are pretty and one boy is handsome!

This is what happened after I told the Abigail that she had to share the kitty house with Isaac and the chicken.
Isaac: But the kitties were too late. Chicken already drove off.
Abigail: Oh no, the kitties are sad. Sorry kitties, Chicken drove off to work.
Isaac: Come on baby kitty hop in the car.
Abigail: No
Isaac: Chicken is going to take you to church baby kitty.
Abigail: No
Isaac: Come on baby kitty get in the back seat. Chicken will drive off and take her to church.
Me (offering an alternative to what I know is coming): What's that oh, the bus driver wants chicken to take him to church.
Isaac: What? chicken isn't going to start the car.
Me: Isaac take the bus driver to church.
Isaac: But chicken still would not start the car.(chicken kidnaps baby kitty)
Abigail: It's okay baby kitty we will get the other kitty. Lets hop on our boat!

A fight then ensues over the kitty riding on a "boat" trying to take back the kidnapped kitty from the chicken's car.

At Wal*Mart after we put kitty food in the cart with the kids:
Abigail pretends to eat the food.
Isaac: Abigail we don't eat that food. That is kitty food for kitties. And you're not Uno....and you're not a kitty.

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