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Thursday, April 28, 2011

Isaac's Tee Ball Game 2

Well they pulled it out in the end and won game two. Isaac had three hits but only scored two runs. He got out at home after a dinky hit left him with a longer run than the other team's pitcher. He did much better running the bases this time though. The key...I told him it was a race and he had to beat the other team to the bases otherwise he'd have to sit in the dugout. That seemed to motivate him. Now to figure out how to get him to stop playing in the dirt while in the field. He did get an out at first though after fielding a groundball and tagging first.
Hit 1 after a foul ball
Hit 2 after a foul ball

Indiana clapping and cheering for her brother
3rd Hit
Warming up

The cheering fans

Fielding? Kind of... he's the one playing with his hat.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Abigail's day

While looking at Uncle Peter's blog.
Abigail: That was Uncle Peter holding his trophy for winning the baseball race.
Actually it was Uncle Peter holding his trophy for winning a golf tournament.

Me: Abigail, why do you have a cup?
Abigail: Because I have a ball....So I need this to throw it in.
While giving me the "of course mom why else would I have a cup" look.

Abigail: Jesus love the little chilren of the world. Wow, that's a good idea. I love you kitties.

Here are a few grainy videos of her playing.

Saturday, April 23, 2011


It is so nice to see my kids playing with their Bibles. They love to "read" me the stories. Today I got to hear about Jesus' death and resurrection. I typed this as they were saying it so I could get every word just the way they said it.

Isaac:  Jesus carried his own cross. Then he said something. After he said his words he died.
Abigail:   Yeah, he died and went to heaven
Me:  Did Jesus stay dead?
Isaac:  No, but then when she came in she saw that the tomb the stone was rolling away from the door and when she looked in the tomb was empty. And she saw two men sitting. And she said, "Where is Jesus?" and they said, "He isn't here." Then she saw, well she thought it was the gardener, but it wasn't. Then he talked and she said, "Teacher." And it was Jesus, then she ran to the house where the disciples were and said, "I have seen Jesus! I have seen Jesus."

He knows the story pretty well. Here is John 20:11-18.
But Mary stood outside by the tomb weeping, and as she wept she stooped down [and looked] into the tomb. And she saw two angels in white sitting, one at the head and the other at the feet, where the body of Jesus had lain. Then they said to her, "Woman, why are you weeping?" She said to them, "Because they have taken away my Lord, and I do not know where they have laid Him." Now when she had said this, she turned around and saw Jesus standing [there], and did not know that it was Jesus. Jesus said to her, "Woman, why are you weeping? Whom are you seeking?" She, supposing Him to be the gardener, said to Him, "Sir, if You have carried Him away, tell me where You have laid Him, and I will take Him away." Jesus said to her, "Mary!" She turned and said to Him, "Rabboni!" (which is to say, Teacher). Jesus said to her, "Do not cling to Me, for I have not yet ascended to My Father; but go to My brethren and say to them, 'I am ascending to My Father and your Father, and [to] My God and your God.' "Mary Magdalene came and told the disciples that she had seen the Lord, and [that] He had spoken these things to her.

Friday, April 22, 2011


Jake is going to the annual retreat in Kentucky with Old Union Church of Christ and most of the teens from Cartersville Church of Christ. I was talking to Isaac about Daddy not being here this weekend and he told me that Daddy was taking older kids on a treat. Isaac said when he was older he could go on a treat with Daddy. I hope when he is old enough to go he find the retreat to still be a treat.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Mobile Baby

Well, she's 7.5 months old and I hereby deem Indiana mobile. Though she isn't quite crawling yet she has perfected moving around the living room by rolling, pushing herself backwards, and turning in circles. I can set her down in the middle and she'll go from one end to the other in no time. No more leaving her unattended upstairs without the gate closed. Another perk, her new found mobility has enabled her to entertain herself for hours on end!

Monday, April 18, 2011

The Game!

After his first two tee ball games got rained out I was afraid Isaac was going to miss half his season due to our vacation schedule. Luckily he had a make up game tonight. They won 10 to 9. It was a pretty entertaining game. The first inning was pretty good. The second inning saw a lot more playing in the dirt and after the first inning Isaac told me he was done and ready for his snack. Here area few pictures and videos from game 1.
Hit number 1
Hit number 2
Warming up

In the dugout

The Fans Bryan and Brianna

Indiana proud of her big brother.

Abigail sitting and watching the game

On First

Headed to second.
He actually scored two runs. Go Isaac!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Sleeping Kids

Indiana likes to sleep with one foot out of bed.

 Her blankets were all laid out flat when I left her, I guess she got cold and decided to roll up and go to sleep.
 Hmm...wonder where Indiana learned the strange sleeping positions from? This is how Jake found Isaac after sending him to his room one afternoon.

Young Men's Training

We have a young men's training class every month for the boys to practice getting up in front of the congregation and leading singing, reading scripture, and saying prayers. Here are a few videos of Isaac doing some leading.
And yes, we feed him, but I guess he was hungry at the time of this prayer and the camera is a little shaky because I was laughing.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

I love you

Abigail: I love you
Me: I love you too
Abigail: I love you one!

Ah the difference in too and two.

Monday, April 11, 2011

The Haircut, not Uno, and other weekend conversations

So haircuts for Isaac are sometimes traumatic and other times not a big deal. It's all in the presentation and motivation. This time since it was warm outside we told Isaac he could get his hair cut outside on the deck and maybe birds would use his hair for their nest. He was very excited since nests are one of his favorite things. Jake took him out and cut his hair. The next morning Isaac woke up and rushed downstairs to look outside to see if the birds had built a nest out of his hair. He saw the hair still on the ground and said, "Nope, not yet. Maybe we could go out and find a bird and it would follow us back and see the hair and make it into a nest."

Playing with building toys.
Isaac: This is going to be the best castle ever. The castle was beautiful, and he was so happy. He found a very fast horse and he hopped on and learned to ride it. He drove...he rode, the horse.

Isaac walking around taking inventory of who is in the house.
Isaac: All three girls are pretty and one boy is handsome!

This is what happened after I told the Abigail that she had to share the kitty house with Isaac and the chicken.
Isaac: But the kitties were too late. Chicken already drove off.
Abigail: Oh no, the kitties are sad. Sorry kitties, Chicken drove off to work.
Isaac: Come on baby kitty hop in the car.
Abigail: No
Isaac: Chicken is going to take you to church baby kitty.
Abigail: No
Isaac: Come on baby kitty get in the back seat. Chicken will drive off and take her to church.
Me (offering an alternative to what I know is coming): What's that oh, the bus driver wants chicken to take him to church.
Isaac: What? chicken isn't going to start the car.
Me: Isaac take the bus driver to church.
Isaac: But chicken still would not start the car.(chicken kidnaps baby kitty)
Abigail: It's okay baby kitty we will get the other kitty. Lets hop on our boat!

A fight then ensues over the kitty riding on a "boat" trying to take back the kidnapped kitty from the chicken's car.

At Wal*Mart after we put kitty food in the cart with the kids:
Abigail pretends to eat the food.
Isaac: Abigail we don't eat that food. That is kitty food for kitties. And you're not Uno....and you're not a kitty.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Vocabulary from our children

We know the correct words for things, but sometimes when our kids start speaking they come up with things and there is no going back to the way they are supposed to be. For instance, in Isaac's baby book my parents are Grandma and Grandpa, but once he started talking he called them Mima and Pipa. And today, they are..Mima and Pipa.

Another thing that stuck is...big gross. As in I went peepee in the potty and I did big gross. I'm guessing Isaac picked this up from when I used to change his diaper and I'd say, "Eeew this is gross." Isaac was also an easy to potty train kid, he just decided one day he wanted underpants and he got them and never went back. Abigail is a little more distracted since she's trying to keep up with Isaac and doesn't want to stop playing to potty. So with her we've had to resort to bribery. My kids are smart, they weigh the bribe carefully. So M&M's or raisins etc. are not a sufficient prize to stop playing and potty. Finally a cookie was the agreed upon price. Now every morning our conversation goes like this:
Me: Okay today we're going to use the potty.
Abigail: If I go big gross in the potty I get a cookie.
Me: And if you go in your underpants?
Abigail: If I go in my underpants I get whacked.
So far we are getting the cookies and I've stopped washing out underpants! And a pack of cookies is only $2 vs $14 for diapers so I'm still coming out ahead.

Isaac doesn't want to be left out of this deal so he gets a cookie too. This morning:
Mommy, I'm going to eat lots of rolls so that it'll make big gross and I can get a cookie!
At least he grasps the concept of digestion and what goes in comes out.

Kids' sayings

Rarely do I have three kids in my house. Usually I have some type of animal...This day they were horses.
Isaac: Abigail horse, it's time for the two horses to walk quietly.
Abigail: Okay
Isaac: Hey mommy horse. This is a quiet horse game so Mommy horse be quiet with the other horses.
Ding, ding, ding. Okay the quiet horse game is over. Now it's the loud horse game.

I wish the quiet horse game would last a long time.

Isaac: I was taking a lick of your cookie to see if it was good. And it was good.
And yes, I ate the licked cookie. It takes more than a lick to get to keep my cookie.

Abigail: I need a tennis shoe to blow my nose.
I have no idea why she thinks tissues are called tennis shoes, but she will  not be convinced otherwise. So we wear tennis shoes outside and blow our noses on them.

She has some pretty funny converstations with her toys. I think we need to work on the order of things so everything isn't "first. "
Abigail: We could eat cancakes for breakfast. So the kittys sat down to eat. Daddy are you going to eat first? Then me going to eat first. Then me going to eat first. Lets open the door. Okay. There's no one in there. Oh, oh, Ow. Stop talking kitty cat, it's very loud.

Isaac: Hey I just saw a bird walk. Hey I just saw a bird walk right on the rail on the back of our house.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Riding the bus

Isaac is very excited about our trip to Washington dc at the end of the month. When my mom was here this weekend we started the count down.
This morning Isaac: when we go to Mima's she is going to take us to Knoxville and I am going to take my Thomas backpack with books and hop on the bus and we are going to go see aunt Laura. mommy are we going today?
Me: no you have 27 more sleeps.
Isaac: oh 27 more sleeps then we will go to Mimas and hop on the bus?

Let's just hope that he is still excited to ride back after the visit like he is for the ride up.