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Thursday, March 31, 2011

Feeding Indiana

So I thought it was about time Indiana made it onto the blog. She's 7 months old today and has started attempting to eat baby food. She isn't really very good at it yet. She still doesn't really open her mouth and tries to suck on the spoon. It is pretty difficult for everyone...except Abigail. For some reason she opens her mouth right up for her and waits patiently for the food to be spooned in.
Abigail's comments while doing this: Good job eating, good job eating with us. I'm feeding Indiana her monkey food. Do you like it? (singing) Try it, Try it, you just might like it.

Here is a picture of the "squashed banana" face. Today was her first time eating smushed banana and I think she likes it even better than the rhyme from Isaac's song: Twinkle, Twinkle Indiana, you're a little squashed banana.

Where's Mima?

Wouldn't you come visit for this type of reaction? Just call before you get to the top of the hill and the kids will be this excited to see you too.

A few days worth of cuteness

Just in case you were wondering where household pests come from...
Isaac, after eating food in the basement: This could make spiders and bugs and scorpions.

The Very Goofy Movie is the current favorite.
Isaac: Goofy's sister, Max, just broke Goofy's hat.

Isaac: When Uno goes to the veterinarian and gets a shot he will need a band-aid. He might cry when he gets a shot.

Abigail: Oh you're out of bed? I'll have to whack you.

I think my kids could write their own Thomas show
Abigail: You did it Hooray!
Isaac: The big train did it. He made the right decision. Then there was trouble.
Abigail: Oh no, Thomas is lost. Help.
Isaac: And no one knew that Thomas, Abigail get your hand out, no one knew where Thomas is. Abigail hear the talking sound inside the tunnel?

Isaac has a pretty good grasp of numbers.
Jake: Tell me a number to count to then we're going to turn the water off.
Isaac: Two
Jake: That's a pretty small number, why don't you pick a bigger one.
Isaac: Okay, forty-six.
Jake: That's a pretty big number how about a little smaller number?
Isaac: Okay, forty-five.
So they count to forty-five then turn the water off.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Random but Cute

Abigail: Good job Indiana, you read the book. When Daddy gets home we can turn on the Ipad adn draw two A's.

Isaac: Mommy can I work on your computer so I can get my own money?

Isaac likes to hide things under boxes and frisbees and then show me what is under them. Usually it is some toy, or a card, or maybe a piece of food. This morning though he comes to me and says, "Mommy, look what's under the frisbee..." I'm not really paying too much attention so he says again, "Mommy, look what's under the frisbee..." I finally turn to look and he lifts it up and says, "Snotties, I spit out." Yes, my son had spit a loogie on the carpet and then coverd it with a frisbee. Thanks son.

Isaac likes to host awards shows for us too:

Uno the Kitty

So this weekend we got a cat from the shelter. It was a very fun experience for Isaac and Abigail and me

When we first arrived at the Etowah Valley Humane Society we went to the kitty room. We picked out Uno and took him to the room to play with him a little. Isaac bent down to him and said, "Hi, my name is Isaac." Abigail of course then introduced herself, "I'm Abigail." After a few minutes of playing with him I decided he would make a good first pet. So I took the kids from the playroom to start filling out the paperwork to adopt him. Isaac was very upset to leave and said, "Wait, we forgot to get Uno." I told him he had to wait until we paid for him so we could get him.

On the way home Jake and I asked Isaac if he wanted to keep the name Uno or change it. He said he wanted to change it so we started suggesting names like Thomas or Zoro. After each suggestion Isaac would say, "Well, that's a boy name, but it isn't a kitty name." So in the end we stuck with the name Uno.

Later we went to Stevie B's and when we were leaving Isaac said, "Wait! We forgot to get food for Uno."  And when Isaac got home with his new Thomas the Train tunnel he let Uno play with it. "Mommy, Uno pushed the train through the tunnel!" Isaac exclaimed. He also put in a call to Mima to let her know all about his new kitty. I think he said "Uno the kitty" a few hundred times during the call.

Abigail still isn't too sure about Uno. She likes him, but he thinks she is the perfect size for chasing. So when she runs, he follows. She ran to me crying one time and I asked her what was wrong, "Uno sneezed at me," she cried. It's true he did sneeze, but I have no idea why that was tear inducing.

Well stay tuned, I'm sure there will be many more fun times and blog posts about "Uno the kitty."

Friday, March 25, 2011

Mommy's first tee ball practice

Last night was technically the second tee ball practice for Isaac, but it was my first time taking him. Seeing the excitement as he bounced down the sidewalk asking me if I had his helmet and bat tipped me off that this was going to be fun to watch. He started out by telling me, as we approached the crosswalk to get to the field, that he was going to hold his glove very tight so he wouldn't drop it in the road and get it smooshed by a car. When we finally made it to the field he immediately tells the coach that, "This is the new glove I got from Gran and Papa. Now I have my very own tee ball glove!"

Practice started out in the dugout with the coach trying to take a roll while most of the kids were too antsy to get out in the dirt to pay attention. Once released from the dugout the five men on the field tried to get the 12 or so kids into a position. That was very funny. Almost immediately there was dirt kicking, spinning around, and running about. Once there were kids semi near the traditional fielding positions the coach held up a ball and asked, "Where's the ball?" I was proud that despite being just as happy to play in the dirt as the rest of them, Isaac stopped and pointed to the ball. Next the coach asks, "Who wants the ball?" and Isaac screams, "I do." So the ball is rolled in his direction and Isaac runs towards it, then past it as the ball rolls past him, so much for using that new tee ball glove. He does a quick 180 and chases the ball out into the outfield then turns and makes a decent throw to first. This pattern continued and I still don't know how my son can be spinning around and kicking dirt and still be paying enough attention that every time the coach asks who want the ball he can be the only one that stops and answers.

In an attempt to get the kids used to base running they took turns running from home plate to first base while the coach tossed the ball to outfielders who, in turn, tried to make the play at first. Poor Isaac, he just didn't get it. He knows he's supposed to hit the ball then run to first, so when the coach tells him to run to first he goes for a bat. It was cute and I wish I could have heard what he was saying to the coach, I'm sure from the hand motions though that it had something to do with, "No, I'm supposed to hit the ball before I run to first."

Well I'm looking forward to the first game. It should be very fun to watch.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

The Stinging Bug Is Asleep

Last night I was feeding the kids just before bedtime when they noticed a wasp flying around the kitchen.  It crawled inside one of the can lights so I couldn't kill it.  The following conversation ensued:

Isaac:  Daddy, where did the stinging bug go?
Me:  I guess he went to sleep for the night.  We'll find him in the morning.
Abigail:  We should whack that stinging bug out of bed! (She scrunched her face up for this statement)
Me.  We should? (I said this as I was putting out a bowl and spoon for my breakfast this morning)
Abigail:  Yeah!  And then we should whack it with a spoon! (Her face was scrunched again)

Don't believe for a minute that your children don't soak in everything you say and do.  Proverbs 23:13 instructs us to "Withold not correction from the child", and Ephesians 6:4 admonishes fathers to "provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord."  While it is tempting to leave the task of child-rearing to the mothers, we fathers are ultimately responsible for the running of our households.  Note that First Timothy 3:4 indicates that a man must "rule well his own house" to be qualified for the office of an elder, which the Holy Spirit through Paul describes as a "good work" in verse one.  I hope that one day in the future, the Lord willing, my kids will be able to read this and understand that the discipline that their mother and I administered was centered around the goal of bringing them up in the "nurture and admonition of the Lord."

By that time they should also understand that trying to take out a wasp with a cereal spoon isn't a good idea.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

All You need to know about Fire

Kids are so funny

Nothing opens my eyes like hearing how my children mimic me.
Abigail changing her baby doll's diaper: Oh no! Look at this mess, it's all the way up the back. Why did you do this?

Isaac: Mommy we're building something very special. Yes, it's the biggest. Abigail, I already have a screwdriver. No I don't need two screwdrivers.
Abigail: Oh you don't need a screwdriver.
Isaac: Wrench. Abigail, wrench! Abigail, I need a wrench.
Abigail: Oh this wrench. Here's the wrench.
Isaac: Okay, wood. Small wood. I need two pieces of small wood. Abigail, two pieces of small wood. (Abigail, gives him the wood.) Oh ho, I've never seen two pieces of wood like that. Abigail how did you get these?

Not sure what it's going to be but it's something special.

Isaac: Noah and Pig are going to Pig's house to eat salad so they'll have energy to play outside. Abigail, now all the other animals are coming out to eat salad.

Hmm, do you think I can get the kids to eat salad for lunch?

Monday, March 21, 2011

The Next Installment of Cute Sayings

Jake took the big kids to Gallatin this weekend to see Gran and Papa, so I'm sure I missed some good things. But Indiana and I had a good girl's weekend with the Cartersville Church of Christ ladies at the retreat and then we cleaned the house!

She is just like her brother. This conversation took place between kittys and the lego people from their school bus, who were playing on the roof of the kitty house.
Kitty 1: You're in time-out. You have to be in time-out, you're not being careful. You're being bad.
Kitty 2: Oh no, my friend is gone. Now I'll never find it.
Kitty 1: Oh where is your bunny friend? You were laying down like this and crying? Oh, okay I'll go tell that man.
Lego man: You have to hold hands in the parking lot. Be careful.
Lego girl:  I want to do it by myself.
Lego man:  No you have to hold hands you're in the parking lot.

Isaac after spilling pancake mix: Mommy, I'm sorry it was an accident. Mommy, don't worry I'll figure a way to clean it up.

Me: Isaac if you keep that up I'm going to spank you on your bare bottom
Isaac: I'm not a bear I'm a whale
Me: I meant naked not bear like the animal.

Isaac: Who painted this bathroom green? Whoo hoo, I've never seen this color green. (that would be teal)

Abigail: Here's another "z"
Isaac: That's not a "z" that's an "n"

Singing the alphbet: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, lmno, where's P? then they got confused trying to point because it never occured to them that "lmno" was actually L, M, N, and O. Once the confusion was cleared up the song and pointing could resume.

Friday, March 18, 2011

The Most Important Things to Remember

I have been thinking that since the primary purpose for me starting this blog is that I want my children to be able to remember all the cute things they say, that I also want to include the most important thing I want them to remember from their youth. I want them to remember that their father and I love them enough to teach them the Word of God and to "train them up in the way they should go" (Prov. 22:6).
To my children:

I hope you remember the good morning prayers
And don’t ride stuffed elephants down the front stairs
I hope you remember the snuggles in bed
Reciting the books of the Bible we've read
I hope you remember the Sunday morning Bible classes and the Wednesday night class too
And to keep your hands still, and be quiet, and to not throw your shoe!
I hope one day you will sit through a worship service and pay attention
But until then we've still got the training room in which to serve your detention
I hope you remember the Bible stories at bedtimes
And forget that your Mommy makes terrible rhymes
I hope you teach your friends the way you teach each other
And that you'll always love your Mother
I hope you'll always love to sing the Bible songs
And that on your way you'll help others along
I hope you will teach my grandchildren as I have taught you
To follow the Bible and love others too
If you ever lose your way
I hope you remember to turn to the Bible. It will not lead you astray
And most of all, the last thing I'll cover,
I hope to see you all in Heaven, when our lives are over

Now on to the most important things. Thus far you are all too young to really worry about salvation, but in a few years you will need to know the answer to that most important question: What must I do to be saved?
When the time comes I will show you where to find the answer and let you read it for yourselves. But just in case you don't have your Bible handy while you're reading this here's the short version:

After Peter preaches the first gospel sermon convicting them of the death of God's son, Jesus;
Act 2:37 - Now when they heard this, they were cut to the heart, and said to Peter and the rest of the apostles, "Men and brethren, what shall we do?"
Act 2:38  - Then Peter said to them, "Repent, and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.
Act 2:39  - "For the promise is to you and to your children, and to all who are afar off, as many as the Lord our God will call."
Act 2:40 - And with many other words he testified and exhorted them, saying, "Be saved from this perverse generation."
Act 2:41  - Then those who gladly received his word were baptized; and that day about three thousand souls were added to them.
Act 2:42  - And they continued steadfastly in the apostles' doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in prayers.

Here are a few links with good articles that I hope are still around for you to use:

Thursday, March 17, 2011

A Typical 24 hours

Picture an operating room, he was using his doctor voice.
Isaac: Mommy black remote. (hand out) TV...on. Abigail want to play games on the TV? Mommy, a little help here?

The newest song:
Twinkle Twinkle Indiana, you're a little squashed banana.

Isaac: Abigail when Mommy and Daddy tell you something and when I tell you something you have to do it. And when Abigail and Mommy and Daddy tell me to do something I will do it. And that makes me the goodest person in the world. Good job.

Playing with his toys he does the voices and both sides of the conversation.
Isaac: Bye Harold, the helicopter. Bye Noah, the steamboat captain.

Me: Isaac turn on your listening ears
Isaac: I'm not Isaac I'm a baby duck
Me: Okay baby duck turn on your listening ears
Isaac: Mom ducks don't have ears

Abigail: Isaac eat your cancake
Isaac: No Abigail they're called ppp Pancakes
Abigail: Oh pancakes
Isaac: Yes that's right

Abigail: Who's that? It's David. He hit'em with a rock. He hit him hard. And what did Goliath do? He did this (she falls over).

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

What Word World has done to our house

Word World is a favorite in our house. Today Isaac was sounding out the word books to spell: "B makes the b sound, oo makes the ooo sound, what makes the ks sound? Oh I know the letter x. B-o-o-x spells books." 

When we first started watching Word World the kids alternated which characters we were going to be. One day Isaac was D-u-c-k, duck. Abigail ran up and said, "I'm A-n-t, duck." The next day Isaac was Bug, Abigail was Bee, Indiana was another Bug and Mommy was Fly.

Today I am wearing a shirt with the word boxing on it. At breakfast Isaac says to me, "Mommy, turn around. B-o-x is on your shirt that spells "box." And -ing makes the "ing" sound. Mommy your shirt says 'boxing.'"

Never heard of Word World?  Check it out.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

A few Classic Abigail Sayings

So Isaac goes down for a nap at the same time as Abigail, but doesn't go to sleep until nearly 3:30. Abigail wakes up and is loud by 2:30. Now that I want her to go wake him up she goes to the bottom of the stairs and says, "Shhhhh...Isaac's sleeping."

This morning Abigail was wandering around the house and I asked her what she was doing and she said," looking for daddy."

"Is Daddy coming? Isaac come look out the window. Daddy's coming, Eep! he's coming."

Abigail is in the little container that the food and kitchen toys go in and she says, "Look I'm in a baby Moses bed."

I put on Jake's longsleeve zep shirt that was on the counter and Abigail looked at is and said, "Mommy you're zeppie this morning."

Abigail playing with Sarge and Filmore, "Do you see daddy? No, he's not here. Daddy work. Want to go to Cici's? Okay, lets go to Cici's. Bye, I love you."

Abigail takes the dinosaur to the window and faces it out, "You see a ladybug out there dinosaur? No, oh, there it is. Hey dinosaur, I'll snuggle you. Okay." Then she hugs the dinosaur.

"Abigail wacka de ball"

Abigail loves singing the books of the New Testament one day she was singing:...Matthew, Mark, Luke and John....Jude and Revephesians.

A few Classic Isaac Sayings from the archives

At breakfast one morning: "My daddy loves me doesn't he." And "We're not being bad we're just pretending to be bad."

Mima has Isaac mopping and picking up to earn money so he can go buy trains at the store. He and Abigail are both fighting over who gets to mop. And Isaac said, "I'll help you Abigail, see move it back and forth."

The first thing he said this morning when he saw indiana was, " Her bilical cord came off."

The frog test: Isaac kissed me and i didn't change into a frog. Just thought you'd like to know.

Isaac: We've got playing to do abigail, lets go get clothes on
Abigail: Okay Isaac

"I don't like this house. I want to rebuy a new one."

Me: I made you food that is good for you so you can grow big and strong so you need to eat it.
Isaac: But when you make food I don't like I don't want to eat it.

 After I mentioned getting a new bat from the internet:
"Just call the man that delivered us the new tires to our wagon and maybe he'll deliver me a new bat. Yeah a really hard bat that can hit baseballs that are hard. When I have a big hard bat I can hit the hard baseballs very far and run around the bases fast."

Friday, March 11, 2011

Finally a theme

So Jake set up this blog for us a while ago and I've never really figured out what I wanted to post. So after attempting baby books, journals and emails as a way to preserve the funny things my kids say, and utterly failing in those attempts, I've decided to try blogging. So here it goes.

Todays funnies:
Isaac: mommy you were right, riding an elephant down the stairs was not safe!

Abigail: come on, come on pancake let's eat.

Isaac: mommy you don't need birthdays anymore, you're already big.

Isaac to Abigail while discussing that his birthday was yesterday: no Abigail your birthday is December seventh, don't worry you'll be three in no time.

Now in the coming days I am sure they will keep adding to the list so I'll try to keep posting, and when I'm feeling ambitious I may even sort through all the emails, texts, and facebook status updates to compile a long post.